Yep, so I am going to do something I said I would NEVER do. I am a skeptic at heart and when it comes to my health and taking supplements and things, I am even a bigger skeptic. I think if I were to pick someone to relate to well, it would be doubting Thomas....yep that is me.
However, due to the encouragement of a friend, I decided to try just one more supplement company to see if it would help with some of the health issue I have. I have tried EVERYTHING, I'm not going to name what I have tried and has not worked, because that is not fair to those companies or to the people that have benefited from their products. But, believe me when I say, I have tried just about everything with no satisfactory luck.
So, this blog is dedicated to my journey....maybe it will be a short lived month....maybe it will turn into something. I don't know, but I am dedicating myself, for a month, to take these products and see if they help.
What do I suffer from, you might ask? Well, I suffer from the normal mom-of-three ailments. You know, I'm always tired, a little lazy when I can get away with it, and am gaining back part of the 60 pounds I lost about 6 years ago simply from that lazy thing and from an often fast paced life that doesn't allow for eating healthy.
Secondly, I have a genetic disorder called Multiple Endocrine Neoplasia type 1. In short, it affects the endocrine system and makes it difficult for my body to properly absorb calcium. Because of this, it can cause calcium build up in other areas of my body causing tumors. Gastronomes are also common. There is a lot more involved with it, but that is kind of a quick over view from what I understand about it. I often deal with tummy issues, food sensitivies, painful leg cramps, and unexplained body aches all of which are up for debate about whether they are symptoms of MENS. My doctor says they are not, but the people suffering from MENS (some of the comments I have read from others with the same diagnosis) say they are.
In order to help counter these symptoms, I am to drink a lot of water to flush out my system from extra calcium (I think), exercise to strengthen my bones to fight off osteoporosis due to the hard time my body has absorbing calcium, eat right (whole foods, dairy free, and gluten free have been the most effective for me, but eating like that on a daily basis has proven to be rather difficult), and take Vitamin D, Calcium, and Magnesium. The vitamin supplements, which I get from Meijer, have been the most effective for me so far.
Long story short? Because of the encouragement of a friend last year, I started one more supplement. DoTerra Oils. Here is where the skeptic comes out. I tried them. I had two oils that I found helpful. One was Digestzen which I took for about a month. It helped a lot with my digestive issues, but stopped taking them because I ran out and didn't want to order more cause of the cost. The other oil I found helpful is called PastTense and, when I rub it on my back and shoulders; it helps me to fall asleep on sleepless nights. However, the other oils I have tried, I was not overly impressed with. I thought my friend might be a bit of a loon (sorry friend, but I know if you read this you will understand and laugh at that statement) :) and I went on with my life.
Out of deep concern for me and not wanting to me get left behind in my friends endeavor to pursue optimal health for herself and others, she encouraged me once again to get a bit more involved with the company. Reluctantly, but slightly curious and hopeful, with a bit of an eye roll and a lot of skepticism I made the decision to order yet one more set of products. I thought if I was going to try one more thing, I would try their vitamin supplements and digestive aid. After all, one month of a lot of vitamins can't hurt me, and who knows, maybe they will help.
So, out of deep skepticism I am going to start taking the supplements, stop taking my added Calcium and Magnesium vitamins...... (the vitamin D I have to continue taking as there are not enough IU's in the new vitamins and I cannot be vitamin D deficient when I go in for blood work to check my calcium levels, because they will not consider the calcium levels and parathyroid levels legit if my vitamin D is low).... and start on these supplements and see what happens. I can only hope they help with the fatigue, the weight gain, the laziness, the leg cramps, the tummy issue, calcium absorption.....but we will see.
If you like, feel free to follow me as I take this little journey. I am not selling anything. I hate sales. Ask my friends, they will tell you I would more likely give something away then sell something. I am simply starting a little journey that I will document in case it might help others. I will do my best to post any results that I encounter. If you are already an oil lover and would like to know more or maybe you are just curious about the company, feel free to visit my website and ask me any questions you may have. (Why do I have a website if I am not selling anything? Good question. It comes a long with what I signed up for and it has good information and blogs attached to it that might be helpful during this experiment and might be interesting for you as well.) I do not know much, but I do know people who can tell you more and also teach informative classes on this subject, none of which I have been to due to my eye rolls and skepticism. :)
I am very curious to see what will happen to me. I hope that it works and if it does that I can share this journey with others that might be suffering from health issues. But if it doesn't, no lose either. Consider me the guinea pig or the experiment in the petri dish for you to observe.
Here goes nothing :)
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