Yesterday, the experiment officially began. I came home from a full day of volunteering, picking the kids up from school, an orthodontic appointment (I'm sort of wishing they made an oil to straighten out teeth. That would save a bundle of money! LOL!), and grocery shopping to find my doTerra order sitting on the counter. Yeah! Time to get started! But before I had a chance to dive into the contents of the box, I was confronted with a 14 year old with a headache. Unlike, my eye rolls a few days ago, I now find myself somewhat excited to have a subject to experiment on, other than myself. I remembered a Facebook post from earlier that day where someone had used peppermint, frankincense, and past tense to take care of a headache and it worked for them....so why not?
"Katie come over here. I have something for you to try" :)
Past Tense and Peppermint I have on hand and thankfully, due to an oil sharing friend of mine, I had a small vial of frankincense as well. I took a drop of Peppermint and spread it on her forehead, a drop of frankincense over top of the Peppermint and rolled Past Tense on her neck and small dabs rubbed in on her temples....in a matter of minutes she said she was feeling better...not completely headache free, but better. Several hours later, when asked if she would prefer over the counter meds or oils for her headaches (something she suffers from often), she said oils. Hmmmm.....I had a slight headache too, so I thought I might as well try the same treatment on myself. I was surprised at how well it made me feel. I don't mean to sound weird, I realize it might be a bit late for that, but.....it was almost euphoric. It definitely relaxed me, my headache dissipated, I felt sleepy (it was ok to feel sleepy, it was 7 pm and I was okay with that) and good. I have to admit, this is another point for the oils.....
So far that makes it, Oils 2 and the Skeptic 0
Last night I also took my first dose of vitamins (a half a dose as my hubby and I are sharing right now), terrazymes (to help my belly since I lost my gall bladder several years ago and to deal with MENS symptoms) and a Slim and Sassy, to which my children quickly informed me that I do NOT need anymore Sassy! I wish I could say I woke up 10 pounds lighter with a ripped abdomen and no cellulite and TONS of energy, but I didn't. I'm assuming I need to be patient and take it for more than 12 hours to see how it affects me :) Patient I will be. One thing I have learned already from it, though, is if the package says to take it with food....do so. They aren't kidding. I felt rather funny until I put something in my stomach along with the vitamins. The food quickly took care of the funny feeling.
I have struggled forever with a post nasal drip that begins in the fall and goes until....well....until the sun finally shines in MI and the temps hit 80 or so. In the past, I have found that eating a dairy free, wheat free, gluten free diet has helped immensely with that. But, like I mentioned in a previous post, I have found it hard to balance that diet with a family who loves dairy, wheat, and gluten and do not seem to suffer from the same things I do....Thank you Jesus. For a while, I made two separate meals, but this grows weary after so many months. We got busy. I didn't have time, or maybe I should say, I didn't take the time anymore to prepare two meals and I started consuming those things again. But, in the effort to try these oils out, I thought, why not....lets see if I can dry this up with an oil. The only other thing I have on hand that I thought might work for this is a product called On Guard. It is one I have turned my nose up to in the past.....Rubbing it on your chest and feet will make your cold and flu go away? Yeah right. Maybe the antibiotic I take will help, but oil? Ahhh well, I do have to admit, when Katies turn came to be sick, I put Peppermint on her feet and On Guard on her chest. She was not as sick for as long as the rest of us were, though I had tried oils on myself when I had it too and didn't notice a huge difference other then when ill, some of the oil scents made me more nauseous, or maybe I was just nauseous anyways, I don't know....She did have the highest fever. I did still treat her with Ibuprofen and Tylenol. This momma doesn't usually freak out about fevers, but hers was a little over 103...I will admit, I started to freak a bit. I used everything at my disposal. Over the counter meds, frozen wash rags on the forehead and oils. I can't definitively say that the oils helped, but I can't say that they didn't....I would try it again. I would try it on myself again as well, just to see. HOWEVER, sorry that was a bunny trail, I decided, if On Guard is supposed to help build your immunity, then maybe it can help with this post nasal drip I have going on and take care of whatever it is my body is still fighting. My regime? One drop of On Guard in a Tbsp. of honey every morning. It goes down hard, you burp orange for a while (better than garlic as one of my friends pointed out). This is day two of that. I haven't noticed a difference. To be fair, I don't even know if On Guard is supposed to help with something like this, maybe some of my oiling friends could give me some insight on it. But, I'm willing to give it a few weeks and see what happens.
This is a quick follow up about Peppermint oils. Kara, my youngest, has an Ouchy tummy a lot. I pray it is not symptoms of her struggling with what I have struggled with, however; the Peppermint oil really helped my stomach the other night, as I have already mentioned. So, I thought I would try it on her as well. I did notice, that for children, one must dilute the oils more than for an adult. My choice of dilution? Honey. One drop of peppermint in about 2 Tbsp honey. She made a face as it went down...I'm beginning to accept this as a natural side affect....she mentioned it felt hot. For a moment I panicked. I'm trying to help her, not harm her. What if I did something wrong? I gave her a cup with water to wash it down....and within a few moments, she said her belly was feeling better. Peppermint is fast becoming a favorite of mine for tummy issues. If only I could figure out how to get it into the system better. I have ordered some veggie gel caps to try. When they come in, I will let you know how those work.
I know this post got a bit long. But in my journey with this, I want to be perfectly transparent and honest about my experience and the experience of my family. I hope as we look for some answers, some alternative medicine if you will, that you, the reader, will be able to glean from it, find answers of your own, and be blessed.
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