Monday, January 26, 2015

A Quick Survey.....

 As most of you know, especially if you have been following my blog, I am a skeptic on a journey to find out more information about essential oils, putting the oils to the test, seeing how they work and if they work for our family.  My question is this, how many others feel skeptical about the oils?  How many have questions they would like answers to and how many would like to find out more?  Are you curious enough that you would be interested in coming to a class in order to ask questions and find out more about how oils can be beneficial? 

The reason I am asking these questions is because I am debating on holding a class geared towards skeptics just like me....the fellow eye rollers.  I have to admit, I have learned a lot in the several weeks that I have been on this journey.  I have learned, but I am still curious.  I would like to know more about the medical side, from someone in the medical field, what they think about oils and have they found them to be beneficial.  I would like to know more about the history of oils, how they were used in the past and what for.  From the bit of research I have done, my understanding is plants and oils were used in our first pharmaceuticals and were used for treatment before we had over the counter drugs....Not bashing those at all, because last night I had the mother load of a headache and was out of the ingredients for my Headache Buster.  I tried my best with the oils I had on hand, but to no avail.  It just got worse.  I finally gave in and took ibuprofen....leaving me, this morning with a residual headache, and feeling sluggish and tired.  My point is, in my opinion, I am finding oils to be helpful, BUT if I need an over the counter drug to take care of a massive headache, I will take that as well.

I digress, back to learning more about my question is this....if I were to hold a class, geared towards people like me who are curious, but hesitant, who would like to learn more, but don't want to be pressured, who would like feed back from someone in the medical profession, who would like to know more about the history of oils and how and why they were used in the past and how they helped, and who are curious to see if these oils would be beneficial for their own health issues and the health issues of their family....would you come?

I look forward to hearing back from you!  Maybe I am the only one with these questions, and if so, GREAT!  I will keep hunting out the answers, but I thought I'd put some feelers out there for others as well....maybe there are more people than just me who have some of these same questions.  If that is you, let me know and maybe we could pursue the answers to these questions together in the form of a class. 


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