Friday, January 23, 2015

Finally.......A Third Party Review

Once again today, I found myself vacillating....back and forth....

Use oils

Don't Use oils

Ingest Oils

Don't ingest oils

Oils are good

Oils are bad

I found myself having mini discussions with myself.  (Please don't think I'm crazy, but I talk to myself a lot...sometimes I'm the only person who will listen to my rambling!  LOL!)

I swayed to the side of, "yeah, it can't be good to put an oil into your body" to "why is it such a big deal to put something from a plant into your body?  Why are people questioning it so much when on a daily basis we put all kinds of man made and synthetic substances into our bodies without a second pop!"

I felt really unsure.  Is this wise?  Is this just another at-home-party business thing that will blow over in time?  Is this legit?  Is it really good for me?  Where is the scientific proof that EO's are the best way to go? 

So back to the internet I went.  Searching and searching for an article, a post, a blurb, something that would answer some of my questions.  I found ALOT of opinions, but nothing solid, scientific, or concrete.  Nothing that could prove to me, one way or another, that I should continue to press forward or give it up.  I didn't want an article written by doTerra or Young Living or any other EO company.  (Because, let's be honest, if are trying to sell a product, you are going to put a positive twist on everything, say it is the best, and well, to me....that is a biased article.)  I wanted a third party.  I wanted science.  I wanted proof.

I looked for awhile, coming up empty handed and dissatisfied with my search, I gave up and started supper instead.  I could wrap my brain around making bean soup!

And then, several hours later, not even thinking about oils, in fact actually getting a little annoyed every time I saw another post about essential oils, I stumbled across this article.  It is long.  I didn't read it all.  I browsed it.  But, what I found in it were some of the answers I was looking for!  And finally, it was from a third party.  It was not opinion.  It was scientific research.  FINALLY! 

I had to share it with you, cause if felt like it brought a bit of clarity to me and maybe it will do the same for you..... other fence sitters  :) 

I know you are out there and I'm glad I'm not the only one!  Take 5 minutes or so to read it and see what you think. 

I found it to be very interesting.

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