As you know, I have found that the skeptic in me has turned into the curious learner. So, when an opportunity arises, I take it. Don't get me wrong. Understand well, that if myself or my family were in need of medical support, I would most definitely go see our family doctor. I like our family doctor. They know A LOT of things I don't know and they are a wealth of information. In fact, I recently visited my endocrinologist at U of M. His name is Tobias. He has a cool German accent and he knows far more about MEN 1 than I do. I had my blood work done and will soon follow up with a CT Scan of my abdomen. Why? Because, I trust my doctor. But in the meantime, I still try some homeopathic ideas as well. Why? Because if they work, than I don't have to pay to go see my friendly doctor as often. And I am all about saving a bit of money and doing things that may support the body in it's process of healing itself. Anywhooooo, now that my disclaimer is done.....
Last week 4/5 of the Wilson's got sick. Yours truly never came down with anything. Just a little on again off again ear ache and that overall feeling like you might be getting sick, but then you don't. Not sure if that makes sense, but that is how I felt. Sore throat and fever were the biggest culprits, though we have had a bit of stomach upset and dizziness as well. Katie and Rob got it the worst. Kara and Colin cleared up within a few days and just struggled more with the sore throat side of things. So, I got out my oils. Why not. Let's see what happens.
My memory is failing a bit, but I believe, for Kara, I started putting a bit of OnGuard on her neck where her sore throat was. She healed up quickly. Colin received the same treatment except, I had him gargle with warm water. I added a small amount of table salt with a drop of OnGuarrd and instructed him to gargle but not to swallow. He cleared up almost immediately, although maybe that has something to do with him not wanted to have to gargle again! LOL! Anyway, the point is, his sore throat went away. Katie and Rob are next, both of them starting to not feel so well around Tuesday evening, right along with the other two. Katie was out of school Wednesday and Thursday due to sore throat and fever. She went back to school on Friday and was great by Saturday and even better by Sunday. Rob is still struggling a bit and it is the following Tuesday now. Those are the facts of the timeline. I share that with you first, because I want you to make your own decisions about this. I'm just telling you our story.
Rob is not that excited about the smells of the oils and so I administered them to him minimally. He took over the counter meds to help fight off what he was dealing with. Katie kind of likes them, so she received them more often, knowing full well that she was free to take ibuprofen whenever she wanted. I have made it very clear to my kids that a mixture of holistic and modern medicine is a great way to support our systems when they are run down. (This is the conclusion I have come to. It is not doctrine :) and I encourage you to make your own conclusions.) For Katie, I had her gargle just like Colin did...that was Tuesday evening. By Wednesday, she had started a fever. I had her continue to gargle every few hours, put a dab of OnGuard on her throat topically where it hurt. I made a mixture of Coconut oil, a drop of Breath, a drop of Peppermint and rubbed that on her chest and feet as well as a dab of peppermint rubbed into the same spot on her throat as the OnGuard. I found it curious, that each time I administered this combination, her temperature would drop and her sore throat would lessen. Mind you, her fever was low grade, and nothing I would have even given her an over the counter medicine for. But never the less, it dropped and her throat felt a bit better. The fever would gradually go back up and her sore throat would get worse again. So, I would do the same routine and her fever would go back down and her sore throat would feel a bit better. By Friday, her fever had been gone long enough that she was able to go back to school and her throat was a bit sore still, but tolerable. She asked for ibuprofen once during this process which I happily gave to her.
I am not going to sit here and make any claims. Maybe, Katie would have gotten better by Friday anyway. Maybe Rob is still struggling because he had a worse case of it. Maybe, Colin's sore throat and Kara's sore throat would have cleared up anyway with just a salt water gargle and no oils involved. Maybe I just didn't get sick. The only difference for me that I know of, is I started putting OnGuard on that past weekend, because I knew we would be in close quarters with a lot of people all weekend long. I did not put it on anybody else until they started complaining of things hurting.
It does make me wonder a bit, though; and it is curious to me that those in our family using the oils more consistently seem to mend quicker and that Katie's temp seemed to fluctuate with the administration of the mixture I made.
It's like this for me. Can oils heal? I don't know and I'm not going to make a claim like that. I'm not a doctor. Just a mom trying some things out. My experience, though, is that they seem to support the bodies natural processes and systems. They seem to support it enough, that I would try this same thing again and see if we get the same results. It's curious to me and interesting. What do you think?
If you have thoughts or questions you would like to share with me, feel free to contact me on Facebook or by email at or for more Essential Oil information you can visit my website at
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