Tuesday, February 17, 2015

I Have A Lot to Learn

Never before in my life, have I been a part of an organization, outside of the church, that has made me reach down and take a good hard look at myself.  This week, I have embarked on a bit of a journey listening to 5 webinars, not out of the motivation to learn, but simply because I could earn about $100 worth of free oils.  I mean, who doesn't like free things, right?  Yesterday, I found myself actually getting a little mad about the time it was taking for me to sit and listen to each one.  However, since I started....I hate not finishing things I start....I decided to move forward, bad attitude and all.

Most of these webinars are supporting and encouraging the growth of  your doTerra business, however they have a lot of good practical points in them that can be useful in every day life.  Things like being confident, don't be afraid to be different, know your mission and go for it, things like that.  As I have worked through the videos, I have come to an honest conclusion about where I am at.....and that is....I am at the very beginning, becoming frustrated because I was trying to be at the end or the finish line, if that makes more sense.  It has made me aware that I still have ALOT of hang ups when it comes to companies like these.  It has made me aware that before I move to quickly, I need to better educate myself about their mission...maybe it will help me to understand mine better.

Why am I sharing this with you all?  Because, I promised myself that I would be open and honest about where I am at for myself, but also for those that are around me AND since this blog is to help me document my journey....well this is a part of it.

So, I have made myself a promise.  I am going to go back to the beginning.  I have done outside research, which has been quite compelling.  I have experimented on myself and on my family with a, I would say, 90% success rate (one must make sure they are using the correct oil for the correct issue.  And as I found out yesterday, using Cypress oil NEAT on a hemorrhoid isn't probably the smartest idea I have ever had.  Enough said other than that I would more highly recommend combining it with Epson salt in your bath water and just soak)  Anywhoooo, moving along. 

I believe the next step for me is to begin research inside of the company.  To hear the heart of the company and to do it in baby steps.  One thing I am learning about myself, is to compare myself with those around me that are spending more time on this than I am, and holding myself up to them as the measure of my success is detrimental to my mental health.  In other words, I need to stop comparing myself and move forward at my own pace and without fear of being left behind.  (I've always had that fear, so it isn't new in this situation.)

Like I said at the beginning, I have never been a part of an organization, outside of the church and the conviction and work of the Holy Spirit in my life whom of course isn't an organization, but I hope you understand my point, that has made me dig deep into who I am, what I stand for, and find it changing me.  That intrigues me a bit.  There may be more to this than just oils and I have admit, right now, that is propelling me forward with all of this.

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